10 factors in the workplace that increases staff turnover

Businesses with high staff turnover rates often face workplace and management issues, leading to employees leaving due to unhappiness.
March 23, 2023

A spokesperson for https://whenworkworks.org/ commented on this. “We have noticed that businesses with high staff turnover rates have a few common problems. And more often than not, these problems are on the workplace and management side. Another crucial thing we learned from the employees is that they were genuinely unhappy and gradually found their workplace to be unbearable, and so they decided to leave.”

Uneven Workloads

Nothing is more frustrating for employees than uneven workloads. As an employer, you should always be clear about workload, job responsibilities, and job descriptions. On that note, when setting workload, you must ensure that the workload for each employee is the same, i.e., employees working on the same level are all working in equal amounts.

Poor Work Culture

Employees are less likely to stay if your work environment is not friendly and comfortable. Many employees leave within the first month or two because of poor work cultures. Poor work cultures result from:

  • Unfriendly co-workers
  • Unfriendly seniors
  • Lack of unity
  • Uncomfortable working conditions
  • Lack of flexibility

Poor Management and Leadership

A sound management system and a good manager always result in disaster. So you can easily understand its importance. Again, a poor or unjust leader is useless, as they need someone strong with an elevated work ethic and standards.

Lack of Communication

There must be regular communication between employees, both among themselves and with their seniors and supervisors. Lack of regular communication directly results in mediocre performance, and employees start feeling neglected and unwanted; thus, instead of feeling like family, they feel like strangers.

Lack of Recognition and Credit

As employers, you must always give credit where credit is due. If anyone does something extra to benefit your business, you must acknowledge them and reward them promptly. Moreover, you must highlight them to others and make an example of them. It will motivate the individual receiving the praise and approval and the others next to them, and it will inspire them to put their best foot forward.

Fewer Opportunities for Growth

Employees hate one thing, and that is hitting a career ceiling. Employees who hit this hypothetical ceiling often suffer from mid-life crises and depression. So when employees feel like they no longer have opportunities to grow career-wise and as individuals, they are more likely to leave.

Abuse and Discrimination

It should be self-explanatory, as these are some of the most common problems and reasons behind employee turnover. In this modern age, discrimination is severely frowned upon, and no one can tolerate it. Employees who face abuse and discrimination may even file lawsuits, which can bankrupt the company.

Lack of Balance in Work-life

Having a healthy work-life balance is a must! Regardless of your job or profession, there must be a balance between working hours and personal hours. As business owners, you can’t expect your employees to be available for you at any given moment, and at the same time, they need to freshen their minds to work optimally and sincerely.


It is a problem for all employees, especially younger generations. People tend to get bored if they need to be more stimulated. Sadly, traditional work culture didn’t pay attention to these, so employees often suffered from boredom. However, modern work culture pays attention to this burning problem by offering employees a space to relax and unwind, play games, or sit back and have an excellent book-reading session to freshen up their minds.

Workplace Politics

Workplace politics work like repellant for employees. It is simply a dirty practice. It is often combined with things like nepotism and favoritism. It is an unhealthy concoction, as it often drives away employees who do not wish to participate in such petty things.

Original Article: HR news

Struggling with high staff turnover rates, contact our recruitment specialist Gareth Allison or give us a call on 02920 620702 for assistance.

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